Kate Brennan '99 and Elizabeth MacNeal '10 are scheduled presenters at the Mercy Education Partners in Ministry Leadership Academy Virtual Event. Please see below for descriptions of their presentations as well as a link to register for the event.
Mindfulness Presentation and Exercises with Kate Brennan
Mindfulness shifts how we relate with our experience, encouraging us to bring a curious, broad-minded attitude to each moment and situation. This openness encourages creative perspective, problem solving, resiliency, and positive engagement. Rooted in the principals of mindfulness, and inspired by Linklater voice work and restorative yoga, this workshop will include breath work and peaceful movements combined with creative writing to cultivate deeper self-awareness and willingness to be present and connected to the community.
Walking in the Footsteps of Catherine: Virtual Tour of Mercy International Centre in Dublin, Ireland with Elizabeth MacNeal
This virtual tour will cover the history of the founding of the Sisters of Mercy, the House of Mercy and the development of the Mercy Charism.
For more details and registration information, please click here.