Congratulations to the following 13 MMA athletes who signed letters of intent and made commitments to play sports on the collegiate level: (front) Jada Smith, Basketball, Holy Family University; Cate Schrieber, Rowing, Clemson University; Morgan Sherman, Rowing, University of Miami; Jeanne McGill, Rowing, Drexel University; Morgan Lamb, Rowing, Boston College; (back) Kelsey Farkas, Field Hockey, Columbia University; Jaime Natale, Field Hockey, Boston College; Cameron Toddy, Field Hockey, Longwood University; Kaely Kyle, Lacrosse, High Point University; Allie Scannapieco, Lacrosse, George Washington University; Caroline Steller, Lacrosse, Marquette University; Kolbe Keating, Field Hockey, Harvard University; and Mary Cate Markey, Lacrosse, Old Dominion University.