MMA science teacher Sue McGowan attended a symposium “Science and Religion: Strangers, Rivals, or Partners in the Search for Truth?” at the University of Notre Dame in June of 2016.
In hopes of that expanding the dialogue between the disciplines, Mrs. McGowan invited one of the symposium’s speakers and science and theology teachers from MMA and other independent schools to a workshop at Merion Mercy.
Heather Foucault-Camm, a science teacher from Padua Academy in Wilmington, brought her exuberant presentation skills to the Main Line to explain and identify opportunities to teach about the relationship between science and religion
The goal of the day was to integrate the disciplines of science and theology in ways that nourish the imagination. Science teachers gained more insights as to how theological insights can be used to inform some of the typical topics in biology and physics, while theology teachers more deeply explored how scientific findings can help inform and enhance their appreciation of God's creation.